STEP TO SUCCESS SCHOOL at present admits students in class Pre-Nursery to Standard XII .Through phased extension in terms of classes and sections each year STS admits students to every class it operates.
In line with the philosophy that this is the ‘generation X’s ‘ transformational stage ’vis-à-vis ‘Creating Unizens’, STEP TO SUCCESS SCHOOL believes that it is neither fair nor possible to test very young children and therefore admission is based on brief meeting with the child and his /her parents.
For the Primary & Middle school there will be a brief interview and a short written test for eligibility . A candidate’s basic skills in English,Hindi and Mathematics are evaluated through a basic entrance test , as required in the class to which admission is sought. The interviews are designed to get a measure of the candidates interest, aptitude and competence in various activities as also to ascertain whether their families are in tune with the Step to Success School way’s of thinking and doing things. Parents are requested not to put their children through the rigours of ‘preparing’ for an interview. This goes against the very ethos of the school. We believe in qualitative assessment and not quantitative assessment.
After filling the form the fee is to be submitted at the Fee counter .Enrollment number will be allotted after submission of fee in cash or cheque (subject to encashing) Admission will be deemed final only after the receipt of fees.